I subscribe to a lot of Blogs, and sometimes I get links to really awesome advice sites. Gala Darling’s blog has been the major supplier of advice, however there are many other often overlooked sites that can help bring a little insight to your day, and can even help change your outlook on life.

I have definetly had my share of unhappiness and strife, and in order to get out of a mental rut, it’s important to first recognize that I’m in a rut. Once that hurdle has passed, then it’s important to find something to do or think to make you feel better.

Dalai Lama’s 18 Rules for Living: My favorite is “Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.”

Spiritual Cowgirl ‘Redsolutions’: A very interesting and deep list of resolutions that everyone should ideally adopt as their own! An example? “To have a tawdry, passionate, intensely authentic threesome with Me, My Self, and I”

Penn State’s Authentic Happiness Site: Penn State’s department of positive Psychology has a very useful and engaging site with a slew of Self Discovery questionnaires that are scientifically tested. The purpose of the site is to “decrease depression symptoms, feel more satisfied, to be more engaged with life, find more meaning, have higher hopes, and probably even laugh and smile more, regardless of one’s circumstances.”

Creating Your Own Happiness: I love NPR and I love The Flaming Lips, so when the both meld together into a wonderful mix of introspection, advice and the soothing voice of the NPR announcer, you can’t go wrong. It’s a very good story of how life is actually very good, and how we should take the time to appreciate the happy things in our lives.

How to Improve Your Relationships: This last bit of advice is probably the most important and least used of all the advice I have gotten. I tend to complain quite a bit that I don’t have friends to speak to in confidence, but in reality I am a very guarded person. Me + Social Situations = Awkward silence. This page of advice is very well written and gives us 7 tips accumulated over a period of 1900 years (!) that teach us how to kindle friendships and keep them alive.