IMG00235-20100320-1452Franklin Mountain Poppy Festival 2010

Based on my previous post, you can tell there’s been quite a bit going on. I’ve received plenty of amazing feedback and of course, there’s a couple of bad apples out there, but nothing nearly important enough to cause a dent. The show must go on!

A blog is a a broadcast, not a publication. If it stops moving, it dies.
– Andrew Sullivan

Very awesome quote from SwissMiss the other day, and it’s true in many ways. Firstly, those of you whom have stuck by the rough patches understand that this is a personal blog not anything other than that. If it doesn’t quite adhere to your pallet, move on.

On a great note, a lot of very great things have happened since we moved here and a lot of things are going to happen here in the near future! I’m very happy with the progression of things, sometimes in order to get to the good stuff, you need to go through a bit of the bad.

  1. I’ve got my son in a great new school and he loves it. I love the fact that they’ve got computer lab in Pre-K!
  2. My job is great! Studying for the Series 7, hope I can take that monster test before summer is over!
  3. We are 90% settled into our new place! Love it! Missing some major furniture but the fact that we get to buy new is exciting too!
  4. Changed my major from Philosophy to English, instead. I’ve declared Philosophy as my minor, however.

When it comes to blogging, it helps me defeat any momentary doldrums and also helps me define a plan. Without such an outlet, my move to El Paso would have taken an eternity to initiate. I’m glad that I took the scary jump by making a decision, as I tend to be quite indecisive. There are always Pro’s and Con’s to every thought and argument so it’s a good idea to put those thoughts to paper or in this instance, to the keyboard.

Once you make the jump, things may be bumpy for a while. You may hit terrifying roadblocks but don’t relent. Assuredly, you’ll encounter interesting and positive people along the way that will help and support you through this difficult time in your life. Those are the people that you really need in your life.

“Everything you want should be yours: the type of work you want; the relationships you need; the social, mental, and aesthetic stimulation that will make you happy and fulfilled; the money you require for the lifestyle that is appropriate to you; and any requirement that you may (or may not) have for achievement or service to others. If you don’t aim for it all, you’ll never get it all. To aim for it requires that you know what you want”

~ Richard Koch from The 80/20 Principle

Lovely reminder from Philosopher’s Notes, that helps me define my life. What do you want in life? Go for it! Nothing holds you back!