…which I have yet to master…

Anybody who knows me can tell you that I am the ultimate scatterbrain. I forget birthdays, anniversaries, due dates and party dates. I forget my glasses, my cell phone and sometimes even my keys. There have been at least 5 times in the last year in which I was forced to break into my own house. Organization is obviously NOT my forte.

Now that life has become much more chaotic; making sure that I follow up with certain clients via email (at a certain time), taking Benjamin to school, mapping David and my schedules, making sure Benjamin doesn’t eat bologna and cheese sandwiches everyday and that all doctor appointments are met, I really need a planner.

Like I mentioned in the last post, I am planning to buy a really cool one from FredFlare.com, but I also need to make sure that David’s and my lines of communication are met! Obviously when we got home all we want to do is relax, so talking about Benjamin’s homework may not necessarily be on out minds!

Here are a couple of templates that might prove as useful to you as they will for me:

1. Grocery List: This list is from momagenda.com I just print this out and attach it to my refrigerator door with a magnet. Whenever anyone realizes that they have ran out of something, they tick the space according to the thing that they need and we take this list with us every week. Available in Cherry, Butter and Ocean.

2. One or Two Years on One Page: This printable is from diyplanner.com and is an EXE file that you can open with Win Zip. This is useful for me because I can print out a full year ahead and highlight dates that the mortgage needs to be paid, birthdays, vacation days, days that the Montessori school needs to be paid etc.

3. Fly Lady Kit: Funny name I know, but invaluable nonetheless. This kit will allow you to effectively organize your chores and give you a list to work with whether you’re a stay at home mom or a working mom. I actually printed only a couple of these pages out when I was staying at home. It gave me a little bit of structure when it came to household tasks.

So these are my tools, which I am now sharing with all you people. They are super useful, and most importantly, customizable.