I have been subscribed to a couple of Wiccan publications for about 1-2 months, and I have found them so compelling and informative, I just have to share my thoughts about them.

I learned about these publications through an email newsletter I got from Witchshool.com, where I am a registered user. The site has a large following, and is one of the largest online Wiccan schools on the net today. The newsletter directs the reader in all sorts of directions, from signing up e-magazines and other publications, to joining their new Wiccan networking site, Blogofshadows.com

I signed up for the e-magazines, The Daily Spell and The Correllian Herald. I immediately received confirmation of my subscription and started a new folder in Gmail ‘Wicca’, where I archive anything Wicca and Pagan related.

The Daily Spell is a really great newsletter that arrives in PDF form, 4 days a week. It is usually about 30 pages long, and has really great articles, ranging from Wiccan history, spells and incantations, runes and Goddess/God lore. It is an engaging read, and several pages are good enough to add to your own Book of Shadows. You can sign up at HERE; through this website you can also view previous editions.

The Correllian Herald is a much longer publication, also in PDF that can range from 30 pages to well over 100. The articles are similar and different. Some of the regular articles for the Correllian Herald are ‘Veterinary Notes’ where animal keeping advice is given and courageous stories of extraordinary animals are told, ‘This Day in History’ which recants births, deaths and important happenings of the date, Poets Corner, and various class advertisements. You can subscribe to the newsletter by sending an email to CorrellianHerald-pdf-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

These publications are truly engaging and make the day a little brighter and enlightening. I highly recommend these subscriptions to anyone who is Wiccan or would like to know more about the Pagan tradition.