history vault podcast cover 3I’ve been pretty much absent from my personal blog only because I’ve been working hard on work related things. I just recently celebrated my one-year anniversary with the El Paso Convention & Visitor’s Bureau (now Destination El Paso) and I really love it here!

One of the more awesome things that I get to do is podcast. As many of you folks know, I’ve been podcasting for a long time now – I’m not an “Ol’ G” by any sense, but I got my start helping out with the guys from Fuya Radio, then doing my own thing with The 915 Voice, and now finally the Visit El Paso podcast as a part of my Social Media Coordinator position.

El Paso truly is a very beautiful place to live in and part of what makes this place so wonderful is the wealth of history that we have here. It’s not just about the history that we read in books & hear from our grandparents; it’s also about the living stories that the architecture tells us, the characters that once roamed here and the ghosts that still go bump in the night.

So anyways – in addition to my regular monthly podcast for work, I’ve managed to make more (enjoyable) work for myself and added two NEW episode types: a history show & a music show.

Here’s the flagship episode of the History Vault and features local historian Jackson Polk giving us the most interesting & concise version of El Paso history that I’ve ever heard!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/135385062″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true”]