The Secret Language Of Birthdays – August 27
The Day Of Social Ideals

No matter what their station in life, those born on August 27 tend to identify with the common man, the underdog and the downtrodden. They are painfully aware of the inadequacies of this world. Therefore, as regards everyday life, they are constantly asking themselves how it may be bettered. Though their upholding of ideals may be unselfish, however, most born on this day do have a personal stake in the admiration or even adulation they receive from those whom they nurture or defend.

August 27 people run the gamut from intellectuals and idea people who value principles for their own sake to more pragmatic types whose focus is on impacting in a tangible way on life around them. For both types, it is human nature and human needs, both material and spiritual, that concerns them. Also, for both types, the same danger presents itself: that in confronting the shortcomings of the world, they may grow frustrated or negative.

Many August 27 people need to feel that they are indispensable to the well-being of their family or social group. Indeed, they cannot suffer the thought that things will run smoothly without them. However, the more highly evolved of this day gradually develop an ever greater capacity for unconditional giving, asking few rewards if any in return for their help.

So basic is social involvement to August 27 people’s lives, that they are rarely successful when they devote themselves to furthering an isolated career, accumulating power for its own sake or amassing wealth. Excessive power drives usually lead those born on this day to breakdowns and the frustration of their schemes and plans. It is essential that such August 27 people realize how intimately their fate is tied up with that of their fellow human beings, and put to use their remarkable social skills.

There is a type of August 27 person who in youth is confronted with the heard realities of this world, and thus suppresses, even eradicates his/her idealistic nature. Indeed, no one may know this person to be an idealist. But though such a person has no illusions about the kindness of the world, and indeed may be quite cynical about human nature, he/she usually retains an individual notion of being a “standup person” and can still contribute in a pragmatic way to the well-being of others.

This day holds the promise of tremendous spiritual evolution and growth, but equally the danger of succumbing to ego temptations. The choice clearly lies with the August 27 person. Those born on this day who are prone to depression and negative thinking — so-called realists who are in fact pessimists — would do well to roll up their shirtsleeves and pitch in to help the common good of their family and friends. Joining a club, social group or institution that works for the betterment of the community is strongly advised for them, so that they may realize their human potential.