“They say you can tell alot about a woman by the contents of her purse….”

– Mr. Incredible from ‘The Incredibles’

I’ve been following a new favorite blog lately, Cocoa by Penelope, and today she wrote about the contents of her purse…the post is here.

From her post, I can tell that she finds beauty in whimsical little things…after all, she IS an art student! She seems to also write quite a bit…perhaps a bit of a hipster…living part time in Brooklyn does that to you I’m sure! 🙂

So here is my own compilation of what I’ve currently got in my sack of wonders. The only object that is not accurate is the wallet. I scoured the internet for a green Preston & York wallet, but alas, there were none to be found.

What can you tell about my material fixations?