1000 Awesome Things: Apparently, this blog has been around for quite a while, and is a bit of a celebrity in the blog-o-sphere. It really makes you think about the little things in life that truly are awesome, but are often overlooked.

Get My FBI File: Exactly what it sounds like. However, the site doesn’t actually provide or even contact the FBI for you. You simply enter most of your information into the blank fields, then the site provides you with letters that you can print out and send to the institution of your choice. I don’t think I have an FBI file, it would be very interesting to see if the FBI does have anything on me!

Checkvist and Listingly: I have recently become very addicted to lists and list making, and it seems I’m not the only one addicted to this; I am now following a blog ‘The Secret Society of List Addicts’. I also found two interesting web apps that are all about list making. I think I really like Listedly a lot more than Checkvist, but Checkvist has very nifty keyboard shortcuts!

Makeuseof.com: I don’t remember how I came across this website, but it really is useful. I’m not the kind to sign up for email newsletters, but this site is so very useful that I did! In addition to that, they can be followed on Twitter, and they have a lot of interesting links to offer!

Super Obama World: Very funny! Also ‘50 Interesting Things about Barack’.

Floating World Calendar: I love this calendar so very much…I would totally frame it and make it front and center in our den.

Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar: Yet another calendar that I love. This one I would hang in the office, right next to The Naked Lady!

Free Coloring Pages: This is really useful if you’re a parent, like me, or plan on going on a very long trip (again, like me) and want to have something to entertain your kiddos along the ride. The pages can be colored online, or printed out later.

DIY Motivational Posters: If you’re anything like me, I tend to giggle at the motivational posters all over the workplace. Not only are they tacky, non-motivational and condescending, but their so terrible 90’s. This site will allow you to make your very own motivational posters, you can even use your very own pictures!

Make Windows XP look like Windows 7: Windows 7 won’t come out for a long while, but while you wait for its infinite glory, you can make your XP look like 7 with these skins! Warning: You need to be familiar with skinning, or at least be very good at following instructions in order to make this work!

That is all for now. I spend quite a bit of time trolling the internet, and come across so many links that I find so useful that I save them immediately to my Google Bookmarks. Sharing the bounty is half the fun!